Our Partners
Alternatives for Community and Environment (ACE)
Alternatives for Community and Environment is an environmental justice organization committed to improving air quality in the Roxbury suburb of Boston.
East Boston Social Centers
East Boston Social Centers have hosted Air Partners codesign sessions, provided resources, and have active engagement with our subsidy program, allowing us to collect air quality data in one of their classrooms.
Aerodyne sponsored a 2018/19 Olin Senior Capstone (SCOPE) Team that built an air particle concentration sensor network around East Boston to aid in research and data collection. Air Partners’ app is built around this sensor network’s data.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
We are partnering with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts through their Healthy Living Accelerator Grant Program to increase the scale of our HEPA Air Purifier pilot program and accelerate the development of our democratized data app. This generous grant will help us airproof 125 East Boston classrooms.
Austin Air
Austin Air is donating $60,000 worth of HEPA air purifiers to the East Boston airproofing efforts. This donation is being used to expand the HEPA air purifier subsidy program, providing air purifiers for local classrooms and dwellings.
Special Thanks to Our Local Elected Officials!
U.S. House Representative Joe Kennedy - MA 4th District
Massachusetts State Senator Joe Boncore - 1st Suffolk and Middlesex District
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh
Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards - First District
Massachusetts State House Representative Adrian Madaro - 1st Suffolk District
AIRinc is an organization focused on mitigating the environmental impacts of Boston Logan airport.
Mothers Out Front
Mothers Out Front is a Boston-based coalition of mothers and guardians driven to improve the environment for future generations. We work with this organization to engage the community and build a grassroots movement around airproofing.
Quant-AQ provides all sensors that we use and allows us to access their data in real time.
Return Design
Return Design is a design group on Olin Campus consisting of Tim Sauder and students. They continue to assist our team with web, marketing, and informational design work.